Word Vault
Local and Remote Lookup
A built-in dictionary provides near-instantaneous lookup for over 150,000 words. If you’re looking up something more esoteric, Word Vault automatically queries additional sources over the Internet to get you the information you need.Spoken Pronunciations
If you’re not sure how to pronounce something, Word Vault has you covered. Audio clips of words are just a tap away.History
Browse every word you've ever looked up in a beautiful list with inline definitions and images.
Vocabulary Builder
Here’s the bit that’s really special: Word Vault schedules periodic reviews to help you to learn the words you look up so that you can use them in your own writing and speech.Word Vault uses spaced repetition to make sure that you’re getting the right amount of practice with words that you find tricky.Translations
If English isn't your first language, Word Vault has a neat trick to help you out: Just key in words and get automatic translations in your language of choice.Translations can be activated with a one-time in-app purchase.
Photographs and Illustrations
Automatically get images related to the words you look up. It’s great to be told that an aurora is an atmospheric phenomenon consisting of bands of light caused by charged solar particles following the earth's magnetic lines of force.It’s better to be shown that one looks like this:

Not quite sure how to spell a word that you’ve heard, or just don’t want to type the whole thing out? Get autocomplete suggestions based on what you’ve typed in so far. If you make a spelling error or typo, similar valid words will be suggested.Favorites
Mark the words you love as favorites, and they will be prioritised in reviews. If you’d like to share a definition with a friend, Word Vault makes that effortless as well.
To remember where you learned a word, use the Sources feature to record it! You can view lists of words that you’ve learned from a particular book, blog or person at any time.Notes
You can write a text note for any definition, and it’ll always be there for you in the future. Capture meanings specific to cultures or professions that aren't in standard dictionaries.
If you don’t have quite the right word for the paean you’re writing to your favourite dictionary app in the App Store, don’t worry. Synonyms are automatically displayed below definitions so that you can find other alternative words with the nuance you want.Design
Word Vault is the result of months of brutally amputating everything that doesn’t directly contribute to a delightful experience. The result is a beautiful, clean and efficient dictionary app.
© Chaotic Good LLP. All rights reserved.
Translation Features are powered by Bing Translate and require an Internet connection to function. Available Languages for Translation include Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (CHS), Chinese (CHT), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Haitian, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Klingon, Klingon (Qaak), Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Maltese, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Urdu, Vietnamese, and Welsh.Header image by Jacqueline Choo / Invertigo Studios. Product lifestyle shots by Dan Counsell of Realmac Software.